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Frequently Asked Question
Where is OrigameComputers based?Our company is headquartered in the USA, in the state of Delaware. We hope to expand our base to other destinations soon.
Can I change the components of my ORI-1 computer?Simple answer is yes, the machine has been conceived to ensure that modularity exists, relying on the maximum number of standard components. Bear in mind the the ORI-1 fits a particular size of components, Small Form Factor (SFF) to keep it easy to carry anywhere and portable
What sort of components can I upgrade?From the motherboard to the memory, the SSD, the power supply, the CPU, the GPU and soon in the future the keyboard will propose new variants too. It is modular like a standard desktop PC computer.
Do you provide technical support for my product?Yes of course, a support page is under development where you will access a knowledge base, drivers, technical FAQs and the possibility to chat with our technicians. Initially the support will cover the business hours. Hopefully in the near future this will extend to 24/7
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